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In the Samoan language, the word fa'atasiga means 'gathering' or 'an event that brings people together'. 

My desire is that my artwork will 'bring people together' to enjoy the beauty of the Pacific Islands and my faith.



My name is Fa'atasiga, and I am a self-taught Polynesian artist based out of the state of Maryland. I was born in Pago Pago, American Samoa, and was raised on The Big Island of Hawai'i. Throughout the years, I've enjoyed using different types of mediums such as acrylic, watercolor, oil paint, and colored pencils; currently I use watercolor paint and ink. My work is mainly inspired by what makes me think of home hence, you will see a lot of my pieces contain plants and ocean views from the Pacific Islands. 


Art has been a personal outlet for me since I was six years old, always expressing myself on paper when I couldn't find the words. But as I became an adult, I've come to learn how much my art can do, like advocating the importance of mental health. In 2021, I created a special project called Story of Victory, which inspired me to partner up with an amazing non-profit called: Mercy Multiplied. Here you will find inspiration and the perfect painting for your home; may you always remember that you are the greatest Masterpiece.


For more information, checkout the Story of Victory tab.


More of my artwork and art exhibits are available on my Instagram: @faatasigart. 





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