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In May 2021, I created a project called: "Story of Victory" journal,  in dedication to Mental Health Awareness Month.


50% of the purchased price went to a Non-Profit organization: Mercy Multiplied 


The 'Story of Victory' journal has been an anticipated project since 2015 and is an ongoing project every other year in dedication to bringing awareness to depression, suicide prevention, and mental health. In the beginning of that year (2015), I was at a place where my mental health was at a low. During that period, a trusted mentor of mine bought me a journal and introduced me to the beauty of journaling. Writing down my thoughts, either good or bad, has helped to express myself, release negativity, and move forward to having a positive outlook towards life. Today, I still remember his exact words, the same words that I have encouraged each person that has purchased this journal:


"Write YOUR story here... write every negative thought that you have and then replace

those words with positive things about yourself. Journal down all the good and the ugly; 

just know that this is just the beginning of your STORY OF VICTORY."

Story  Victory

Checkout the Story of Victory journals for 2021 and 2023, there you will also find the different places this journal reached!

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